A short bibliography
The following books are not necessarily related to the considerations developped in "Still an effort... ". They more meant to indicate from which view point and from which background (apart from surrealist) this text was made. Being French, I used the french editions.


Gregory Chaitin - Mathematics

The work of Gregory Chatin is a continuation of the field of investigation opened by G�del, T�ring and Kolmogoroff.

Gregory Chatin's web page - Biography and bibliography

Among other books by Chaitin:

The Limits of Mathematics by Gregory Chaitin

See also:

Gregory Chaitin - Une biographie en Fran�ais

Un article de Chaitin paru en Fran�ais dans "La Recherche" en 1991


Jean Paul Delahaye - Computer science

Jean Paul Delahaye's web page in Universit� des Sciences et Technologies de Lille - France


Information, complexit� et hasard de Jean Paul Delahaye - �ditions Herm�s, 1994 et 1999

See also...

Papers by Jean Paul Delahaye published in Pour La science, French edition of Scientific American where he regularly writes.


About Conway's Game - Sur le Jeu de la Vie de Conway

Le jeu de la Vie, toujours vivant - Un article de Jean Paul Delahaye


Bibliographic data




About current software development practices

Some tutorial information about the Unified Modeling Language (UML)


Un cours UML en Fran�ais


Philippe Qu�au - Computer science - Director of Information Technology in the UNESCO - Paris

Philippe Qu�au's web page - English

Philippe Qu�au's web page - French


LE VIRTUEL - Vertus et vertiges de P. Qu�au- Ed. Champ Vallon/INA � 1993 (Trad. en japonais, espagnol, finnois)


ELOGE DE LA SIMULATION - De la vie des langages � la synth�se des images de P. Qu�au - Ed. Champ Vallon/INA - 1986


METAXU : Th�orie de l�Art Interm�diaire de P. Qu�au - Ed. Champ Vallon/INA - 1989


Pierre L�vy - Computer science

Pierre Levy - Un site web avec quelques articles et une bibliographie


L'intelligence collective. Pour une anthropologie du cyberspace Pierre Levy - Ed La D�couverte, Paris, 1994.


La Machine Univers. Cr�ation, cognition et culture informatique de Pierre Levy - Ed La D�couverte, Paris, 1987. (republi� dans la collection Points au Seuil.)



Ilya Prigogine - Nobel Price - Physics and chemistry


The End of Certainty -- by Ilya Prigogine

La Fin des certitudes de Ilya Prigogine. - 21 avril 2001


From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences -- by Ilya Prigogine

De l'�tre au devenir de Ilya Prigogine, Edmond Blattchen - 9 f�vrier 1999


Entre le temps et l'�ternit� de Stengers Prigogine - 7 janvier 1993

Entre El Tiempo y La Eternidad by Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers


La nouvelle alliance de Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers - 3 f�vrier 1986


Gerald Edelman - Nobel Price - Biology

Biography of Gerald Edelman

Some books...

Das Licht des Geistes de Gerald M. Edelman (31 ao�t 2004)


Wider than the Sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness -- by Gerald Edelman

Plus vaste que le ciel : Une nouvelle th�orie g�n�rale du cerveau de Gerald M. Edelman (18 mai 2004)


Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of the Mind -- by Gerald M. Edelman


A Universe of Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination -- by Gerald M. Edelman


Remembered Present: A Biological Theory of Consciousness -- by Gerald M. Edelman

Biologie de la conscience de Gerald M. Edelman (9 septembre 1992)


Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection -- by Gerald M. Edelman

Also, in connection with Edelman's work..

L'invention de la m�moire de Israel Rosenfield, Adrien Proust (26 juillet 1997)


Une anatomie de la conscience de Isra�l Rosenfield (5 f�vrier 1980)


Francisco Varela - Biology

Francisco Varela's web page


Ethisches K�nnen - F. Varela - Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1994

Quel savoir pour l'�tique? Action, sagesse et cognition - F. Varela - Editions La D�couverte, Paris, 1996

Etica y Acci�n - F. Varela - Editorial Dolmen, Santiago, Chile, 1996

Ethical Know-How - F. Varela - Stanford Univ. Press, 1999


The Embodied Mind: Cognitive science and human experience -
F.Varela E.Thompson and E.Rosch - MIT Press, Cambridge, 1991

L'Inscription Corporelle de l'Esprit -
F.Varela E.Thompson and E.Rosch - Seuil, Paris, 1993


Conna�tre:Les Sciences Cognitives, tendences et perspectives - F. Varela -- Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1988.

Conocer: Las Ciencias Cognitivas - F. Varela - Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1990

Kognitionwissenschaften-Kognitiontechnik - F. Varela - Surkampf, Frankfurt 1990


The Tree of Knowledge: A new look at the biological roots of human understanding - H.Maturana and F.Varela - Shambhala/New Science Library, Boston, 1987

El Arbol del Conocimiento: Las bases biol�gicas del entendimiento humano - H.Maturana and F.Varela - Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, 1985; Editorial Debate, Madrid, 1988.

Der Baum der Erkenntnis - H.Maturana and F.Varela - Scherz Verlag, M�nchen. 1987 ; paperback edition Goldman Verlag, 1990


Autopoiesis and Cognition: The realization of the living - D.Reidel, Boston, 1980.

De M�quinas y Seres Vivos: Una teor�a sobre la organizaci�n biol�gica - Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, 1973 - New revised edition with a Preface, 1995


Principles of Biological Autonomy - F. Varela - Elsevier/North-Holland, New York, 1979

Autonomie et Connaissance: Essai sur le Vivant F. Varela - Seuil, Paris, 1988


Henri Atlan - Biology - Member of the French Commite of Ethics


L'organisation biologique et la th�orie de l'information - Henri Atlan - Hermann, Paris, 1972, 1992.


Entre le cristal et la fum�e - Henri Atlan - Seuil, Paris, 1979, (traductions italienne, espagnole, portugaise, japonaise).


A tort et � raison, Intercritique de la science et du mythe - Henri Atlan - Seuil, Paris, 1986 (Prix Psych�,1987), (traductions anglaise, espagnole , portugaise, italienne, danoise, japonaise, h�breue).

A biography and more books